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Mde Nick Is the Smart One Sam Is the Funny One

Million Dollar Extreme Presents: World Peace (TV Series 2016) Poster

10 /10

I'm literally shaking right now

Sam Lanza is a visionary, but his radical centrist friends Charls and Nick concern me. Used car salesmen and knife school members. Very strange. It's hard to properly access these characters but I remain riveted, despite my man Joel Bernstein's devastating articles.

All in all I'll grudgingly give this show 10/10, though I feel it's derivative of H3H3 productions.

There's a lot to unpack here, and it's left me literally shaking. We're in 2020...

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10 /10

The best thing since Ted Kacynzskis!

Well I just loved it, this show was absolutely AWESOME!

A great first episode from the lovely guys at Million Dollar Extreme --a_s_s_in_t_--. SAM HYDE

3 greatly crafted sketches, with a little bit of social commentary if you really look deep into the 2nd skit. I particularly enjoyed Sam Hyde's illustration of ***TRIGGER WARNING*** r a p e /bully culture within our institutions particularly our educational institutions. Clearly the work of one of the nations leading Feminists, the crew not only display a message effectively, but they do so without it being too much in your face. --H_LA_Y-- SAM HYDE

I hope I see much more great work from the guys over at Adult Swim --;)))--... and the guys at Million Dollar Extreme too. I sense great things are in store for us from these guys, and it will be in the form of a package... a package full of great belly laughs and joyous cheer.

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10 /10

You can't (and shouldn't) look away.

A twisted, offensive, and brilliant look into the minds of a group of millennial comedians who spend most of their time parodying the ridiculous overly-PC world they're stuck in. Upon learning about the guys, I've checked out their internet-based content and even when it's not funny the sketches are sincere, thought-provoking and well-written despite being (purposely?) unpolished.

I don't know how well this show will do, considering how off-base, offensive, and downright strange it can be, but it is certainly worthy of its small time slot on Adult Swim. If you're a fan of Tim and Eric, Eric Andre, etc., give it a shot.

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10 /10

Unique and Unfiltered

If anything this show can be seen as being unique and unfiltered. There is no denying that. I would say however from my own point of view it comes off complex and perhaps at least a little smart if not at least sharing insight into how certain men, misogynistic or not, think. I think it might also be considered thought provoking ---though for women I could see how it could be infuriating as well as demoralizing for ethnic minorities. I feel that uncomfortable feelings one could feel exists even if you are a heterosexual white male because of how mysterious and indirect the messages are in the show. In an interview with Sam Hyde (the leader of the comedy troupe which is responsible for World Peace), Sam says he doesn't want to come off as someone who has some sort of message to get across despite the fact that you can never tell when any member of the comedy troupe of Million Dollar extreme are constantly lying to get reactions out of people whether it's Charls, Nick, or Sam himself.

That is kind of the fun of it though. Part of the "joke" is to never really understand if they are serious or not. I usually lean toward the latter due to how over the top and ---extreme--- Million Dollar extreme always is. They at least think they're joking, but from personal experience with questioning the deeper meaning of my own sense of humor I have found myself to be completely harmless, whether or not I am a lazy entitled human being.

The show is art regardless of whatever if may seem like. I could see how you could argue that Sam Hyde's low budget trolling on the MillionDollarExtreme Youtube channel which allowed him to experiment with making other people feel uncomfortable and angry without getting beaten or incarcerated may have not exactly been art but simply the style of all the weird animation in the opening theme and intermissions sets the odd tone and makes the racism, sexism and general intolerance become quirky whether or not they are just trying to offend as many people on television that they can.

But that's the whole point, the show is an experiment like the Youtube videos but it achieves artistic standards whether or not the comedy troupe had anything to do with the subtleties that allowed it to be green-lit in the first place. There's plenty to be appreciated stylistically other than the weird art style seem randomly almost like tongue in cheek patterns pretending to be propaganda with a eerie hypnotic effect. For instance, the way the camera is positioned in scenes as if a camera operator was sitting on a ladder aiming downward and diagonally from a character in a tiny office for no apparent reason whatsoever other than to poke your brain even though the sets have enough effort put into them without feasibly being done without professionals on a budget ---while obviously looking disproportionately terrible at the same time. The music is tasteful and unique and has no real purpose other than to purposefully make the characters in the skits seem as stupid as possible. Like the troupe's Youtube antics often what they say makes no sense but they talk with such confidence that often it doesn't matter how blatantly insane due to their peculiar delivery along with the rest of their non verbal communication that makes them seem unsettling at times, but never dangerous, malicious, or serious about anything.

Check it out on Cartoon Network's late night "Adult Swim" programming or whatever.


The show will most likely not make another season so if you're at least mildly intrigued, check it out before it's too late.

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10 /10

Really makes you think, huh?

Adult Swim as a network always puts out "different" content. The Eric Andre Show and Tim and Eric (both excellent) are great examples of this. However I believe MDE World Peace is different enough from those other 2, it's not just being weird for the sake of being weird.

Every episode is filled with skits that really make you think about what message its trying to send. At face value, most of the skits are uninteresting, maybe even unfunny. There are a few genuinely funny scenes in every episode yes, but the most interesting thing about the show is actually finding out what the message of the skit is. It sounds silly but this show is more nuanced than it appears.

Not for everybody though. People who enjoy surreal stuff, or those who use certain mind altering substances will definitely appreciate this show. I don't use those myself, but I do enjoy surreal stuff like this.

Overall, I'd say it's different enough from everything on TV and Adult Swim, and I think it's worth at least seeing a few of the episodes. Of the 6, I'd say the last 2 episodes are the best.

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10 /10


Comedy is meant to push the envelope and to talk truth to power. Comedy that supports mainstream establishment positions is forgettable as it is useless.

People will say "this show is an excuse for hate." Yeah you're m******ing right it is. What comedy isn't an excuse for hate? You think Richard Pryor was sitting around thinking about how great everything was? Comedy comes from rage and fury. Rage and fury at a status quo that coerces you constantly. Realizing these coercions is the point of comedy. Comedy is discomfort. It's what the laughter arrives to remedy. That's particular true in absurdist comedy.

The humor herein is absurdist and on the far edge of comedy. Slowly but surely it will give way to its ideas being more mainstream (you can already see watered down, apologetic versions in the comedy of Joe Rogan and Bill Burr. The fact that it has been banned will only, ultimately, increase the power of comedy as Hyde et al become martyrs.

Ultimately, both the horrible and awesome thing is that it is being banned and shunned. Horrible because I can barely stand to see the hypocrisy of the people who call themselves comics trying to get the show canceled (they're not actually comics). Awesome because it means that we're finally getting a real counterculture back, one that can't be immediately bought and sold back to us like skateboarding. This show was a hit. The fact that it was still taken off the air says a lot. Remember the 90s when they tried to get rap music banned everywhere? Say hello to the new rebellion.

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9 /10

outta sight outta mind

In the year of our Lord 2021, stuff and people and things get banned, delisted, shadowbanned, cancelled left and right (mostly right). This will in no way come to bite the banners, delisters etc in the behind anytime soon.

Oh yeah, the show. When somebody wants you to not see or be able to access something, that means you need to go ahead and check it out. ASAP.

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10 /10

Truly a life changing experience

When the first episode of this show aired I was offended beyond belief. I started multiple petitions so that perhaps Obama would send some death squads to quell this hate speech. At the time my view was that me must not tolerate intolerance, and more so, combat it with the utmost prejudice. The first problem I saw was that the cast did not represent the true diversity of the united states. It was not 50% white, 50% black, 60% Jewish, 50% Hispanic, 50% Asian, 50% gay, 50% lesbian, 50% non-binary genders. So I planned to watch the second episode and live-tweet all the racism, sexism, homophobia, trans-phobia, afrophobia, and Islamophobia. However something happened, I was somehow drawn in and at one point I didn't even feel offended, and then I felt dirty because I actually cracked a smile. I didn't like the feeling and shut of the TV. The next week I lied to my multiple sexual partners / band-mates / communal livers / revolutionaries that I was going to bed, but I was actually going to watch the next episode. This became a guilty pleasure, the show drew me in, awakened something inside me. When I began watching this show, I was a test-tube-gub-gub-snail-man. But now I am knee deep in gash, all thanks to Sam Hyde.

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10 /10

A 2010s masterpiece that deserves a 2nd chance & needs a revival & reboot more than anything else being revived & rebooted right now.

If you're a fan of Tim & Eric, & Eric Andre, this Modern Comedy Classic from 2016 is for you. Million Dollar Extreme's World Peace is truly the Firefly of adult swim because both MDE WP & firefly were both great shows & were very popular yet they were sadly taken from us way too soon. The controversy behind the show is all nonsensical hoo haa, the show was one of the few apolitical tv shows remaining until the status quo elitists & the butthurt Terrorists of cancel culture devoured it's soul because they simply misunderstood it's humor & couldn't handle the politically incorrect jokes. Sam Hyde is one of the best & is undisputed the greatest comedian of his generation, his buddies Nick Rochefort & Charls Carroll are also good guys as well. They have absolutely nothing to do with the Alt right, they hate the Alt right just as much as the guy as there's no evidence to prove they are tied to the so called "Alt right". People fear & get offended by what they don't understand, & even in 2021 it's very easy to do so. Sure this Live Action Comedy was mean spirited, nihilistic, politically incorrect, edgy, dark, & could be misinterpreted as "offensive", but that was the whole point of MDE present's World Peace & also the entire point of all Black Comedy/Dark Humor. It's supposed to crack jokes about subjects you normally don't speak about or make fun of, all of the sketches on world peace were supposed to mock the establishment, society, politics, & everything that was considered normal, "new normal" & politically incorrect. Because all that Sam Hyde, Nick Rochefort, & Charls Carroll were doing is the same thing that George Carlin, Richard Pryor, Adam Sandler, Ben Stiller, Kevin Hart, Dave Chappelle, Bill Hicks, Fluffy, George Lopez, Filthy Frank (now Joji), South Park, Robot Chicken, & Family Guy, are doing which just comedy like everyone else. Nevertheless I believe that this series should be rebooted, & revived from cancellation, if adult swim won't do it another tv network like Comedy Central, or IFC or a streaming service like Netflix or Hulu to reboot it with a a Million Dollar Extreme Presents: World Peace Season 2 with new episodes, new cast of characters, & better air time. Considering Million Dollar Extreme World Peace was yet another victim of the Friday Night Death Slot in which many shows were cancelled as a result of airing on Fridays. Saturday at midnight would be better choice for air time.

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10 /10

World Peace has Been Cancelled

A show too good for this world. Episode is a surreal masterpiece. Every time I go back and try to watch just one episode, I involuntarily end up watching the whole show.

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10 /10

Best independent comedy show in years.

If this show doesn't get reinstated or finds another home somewhere else, it'd be a comedic disaster. Hyde, Carrol and Rochefort are fantastic comedy writers and visual artists. My vocabulary isn't good enough to describe this series in an adequate way. Please watch and share MDE: World Peacew wherever you can. If this show doesn't get reinstated or finds another home somewhere else, it'd be a comedic disaster. Hyde, Carrol and Rochefort are fantastic comedy writers and visual artists. My vocabulary isn't good enough to describe this series in an adequate way. Please watch and share MDE: World Peacew wherever you can. If this show doesn't get reinstated or finds another home somewhere else, it'd be a comedic disaster. Hyde, Carrol and Rochefort are fantastic comedy writers and visual artists. My vocabulary isn't good enough to describe this series in an adequate way. Please watch and share MDE: World Peacew wherever you can.

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1 /10

The right can't do comedy.

A+ representation that the right can't do comedy.

And that conservatives are incapable of being remotely funny.

There's a reason there are literally NO relevant conservative comedians. Nor are there any "funny" conservative shows. Literally, none.

Because conservatives aren't funny. They can't dish a joke nor can they take one as anything less than a personal attack. You can see their forehead vein popping out in a blind rage while they try to pass what their saying off as "comedy". Not a funny bone in their bodies LOL.

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3 /10

Bad job on the show though

You know aesthetically this is really up my alley. Beautiful looking show. But like, it's a comedy show. It's a sketch comedy. Make some jokes Jesus Christ. I didn't really laugh at it very much. Only like once or twice an episode. "Wow! Really makes you think!" Blah blah blah. I don't want this pasty greasy fat guy who went to art school and now does nothing but cope and seethe online for a living shoving his ideas about the decline of white masculinity or whatever into my face. Didn't really own PC culture in any significant way, didn't really achieve much a legacy, will be forgotten in five more years. Give the budget for a show like this to Connor O'Malley or like the Pod About List guys and it would be infinitely better. Mega D word Extreme more like!!!

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10 /10

Think it Dream it Do it

When this came out it was competing with the eric andre show, with more support it would've been a better show. Hopefully adult swim can one day renew his show or give them a new show.

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